Día #8: Let's Dive into "Chingar"

Before diving into our mini-Mexican Spanish lesson, here’s today’s Fluency Hour assignment!

#1 Mexican Spanish Lesson (10-15 minutes)

#2 Daily Listening (10-20 minutes) - Noticias Telemundo Podcast

#3 Pimsleur Lesson (25-30 minutes)

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Finally, if you find yourself with some free time today - honestly, ANY free time (yes, even those minutes when you're chilling on the throne, ha!), whip out your phone and do some Duolingo Practice or Anki vocabulary flashcard review.

Let's turn even the most mundane moments into Mexican Spanish mastery!

¡Hola estudiantes increíbles!

Welcome to Week 2 of "Fluency Hour III: Speak Like a Mexican."

We're plunging into the vibrant world of Mexican colloquial language, beginning with one of the most versatile and frequently used words in Mexican slang - "Chingar."

Here's what we'll cover today:

1. Understanding 'Chingar':

This word has numerous meanings. In its basic form, "Chingar" is used to express annoyance or bother. For example, you might hear someone say, "¡Deja de chingar!" which means "Stop bothering me!"

2. Exploring Variations of 'Chingar':

We'll delve into related terms such as 'Chingón', 'Chingarse', 'un Chingo', 'Chingazo', and 'una Chingadera'. Let's look at 'Chingón' as a teaser: it's a term for something or someone awesome or impressive. For instance, "Tu coche es muy chingón" translates to "Your car is really awesome."

3. Engaging with Practical Examples:

We'll offer ample examples and exercises. Imagine you're at a taco stand, and you hear someone say, "Me voy a chingar unos tacos". This translates to "I'm going to devour some tacos". Interesting, right?

And a quick note - these are colloquial terms, so they might not be suitable for all situations or audiences. Use them carefully!

Keep practicing and sounding more authentically Mexican each day.

Hasta mañana,

Levi y Reni

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