Día #1: El Alfabeto

Before diving into our mini-Mexican Spanish lesson, here’s today’s Fluency Hour assignment!

#1 Mexican Spanish Lesson (10-15 minutes)

#2 Daily Listening (10-20 minutes) - Noticias Telemundo Podcast

#3 Pimsleur Lesson (25-30 minutes)

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Finally, if you find yourself with some free time today - honestly, ANY free time (yes, even those minutes when you're chilling on the throne, ha!), whip out your phone and do some Duolingo Practice or Anki vocabulary flashcard review.

Let's turn even the most mundane moments into Mexican Spanish mastery!

Welcome to Fluency Hour III: Speak Like a Mexican - Day 1

Hola y bienvenidos,

Welcome to "Fluency Hour III: Speak Like a Mexican!" Over the next 28 days, we will embark on a linguistic adventure together, exploring the depth and breadth of Mexican Spanish. I'm excited to have you join us on this journey.

Today, we will kick off with one of the fundamental aspects of any language-learning process:

Pronunciation. Pronunciation plays an essential role in Spanish, especially considering the regional accents and variations. The Mexican accent is uniquely beautiful, and with practice, you'll be sounding like a native in no time!

Today's focus: The Spanish Alphabet

Understanding the Spanish alphabet is the first step towards mastering the Mexican accent. While it might appear similar to the English alphabet, Spanish has its unique letters and sounds that are essential to get a grip on.

Here's a breakdown of what we will cover today:

  1. The Spanish Alphabet: We'll review the 27 letters of the Spanish alphabet, focusing on the unique ones like "ñ," and the sounds each letter makes.
  2. Pronunciation Guide: We'll discuss how to pronounce each letter in a word, and some common mistakes to avoid.
  3. Practice Time: We'll practice the pronunciation of several common words, and even a few tongue-twisters to test your skills!

Please watch today's video, practice along, and don't hesitate to replay parts you find challenging. Remember, repetition is critical to nailing pronunciation!

I encourage you to practice aloud and repeat after me in the video. The more you speak, the faster you'll improve. And don't worry about making mistakes; they're part of the learning process.

After watching the video and practicing, please feel free to post any questions or concerns in our Facebook group or on Slack. Both of these are fantastic places for discussion and clarification, and I'll be there to help!

I look forward to hearing your Mexican-accented "Hola!" very soon.

Nos vemos pronto and enjoy your first step into Mexican Spanish!

Hasta mañana,


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