Fluency Hour: Learn How to Become Fluent in Spanish

The Ultimate Spanish Course for Today's Busy Adult

What Is Fluency Hour?

Fluency Hour is my simple, proven system to learn Spanish as effectively as possible with just one hour per day.

In this one-month course, I'll teach you how to learn Spanish online, on your own, using the limited time you have in your busy adult life.


By combining my language learning blueprint with focus, consistency, and a positive attitude, you can reach an intermediate level of fluency in Spanish in under a year.

Watch to Learn More!


Fluency Hour was designed to be simple to consume and easy to use in your daily life. All you need is your smartphone, earbuds, and a little daily discipline.

Daily Email Lessons + Assignments

Every morning, for an entire month, I'll send you an email that contains a mini-lesson and a few assignments that will take you one hour to complete (and just 30 minutes on Sundays).

These emails provide you with the organization, structure, and accountability you need to ensure you're making daily progress.

You might be surprised to learn that grammar study is not included in your Fluency Hour assignments.

I will give you some tips and advice on approaching grammar study towards the end of the course.

Instead, this course is centered around what l like to call "staggered immersion."

At Fluency Hour, You Learn Spanish Through Immersion

I know... "immersion" sounds scary, right?

However, as you'll see, if used strategically, there's nothing scary about it – which is precisely what we do in this course!

As a Fluency Hour student, you will be exposed to three levels of immersion every day. I named these levels using swimming as a metaphor.


When you're learning how to swim, you have no choice but to immerse yourself into a body of water.

The ocean is the most challenging and frightening...

A swimming pool is challenging but also calm and ideal for learning...

And a jacuzzi is perfect for both relaxation down a calm training sessions.

Ocean Immersion (Difficult)


At Fluency Hour, we'll begin each day by immersing ourselves in this challenging level of Spanish.

Ocean Immersion is the most "real-world” and challenging type of Spanish immersion.

This is when you listen (and watch) real Spanish conversations that is made for native speakers, not learners like yourself. Examples of this include podcasts, Netflix series, and Spanish language radio.

Of course, if you are fully immersed in a Spanish speaking country or spending time around native speakers, this is “ocean immersion” in its purest form. Average duration each day: 10 - 15 minutes.

Swimming Pool Immersion (Intermediate)


This refers to Spanish immersion that is specifically made for learners.

While still challenging, this is Spanish that was originally designed 100% with Spanish students in mind. This is immersion designed to help you train and level up your skills!

At Fluency Hour, we will use the Pimsleur Spanish program as our core "swimming pool immersion" tool. You will be assigned a 30-minute lesson on a daily basis.

You're going to be amazed at your progress.

Average duration each day: 30 minutes.

Jacuzzi Immersion (Easy)


This is a simple, low-stress Spanish learning immersion.

Duolingo activities are an example of this. As a Fluency Hour student, you will learn exactly how I recommend to study this to internalize as much Spanish as possible, ensuring that you're building upon your progress.

Average duration each day: 10-15 minutes.

Join the Upcoming Cohort!



If you’ve made it this far, you might be curious about the nitty-gritty of the program.

Here’s a step-by-step look at how to get started and what you can expect as a student.

Step 1: Reserve Your Spot!

A new Fluency Hour cohort typically runs each month. Once you sign up you'll have access to the e-course, but be on the lookout for your first email assignment on the first Monday of the upcoming month.

Step 2: Join Fluency Hour’s Private Facebook Group

Once enrolled, you will be given access to our private Facebook group. There, you will join Mexican Fluency's creators, Levi and Reni, as well as past and present Fluency Hour students. Ask questions, receive updates, meet other students, and tune in to Fluency Hour’s weekly Facebook lives.

Step 3: Check Your Inbox for Your Daily Fluency Hour Email

Every morning you will receive an email that gives the structure, guidance, and encouragement you need to tackle your Fluency Hour assignment for the day.

In each one, you’ll find the following:

The Fluency Hour Tip of the Day

In every daily email, I will share with you a proven Spanish learning tip or a bit of wisdom.

Each one these is meant to either improve your mindset or get you to take action.

Ocean Immersion Assignment (10 Minutes)

Immerse yourself in fluent conversational Spanish in real-time for 10 minutes.

Simply listen, focus on the accent, analyze the intonation of the speakers, and try your best to make out familiar words and expressions.

Swimming Pool Immersion Assignment (30 minutes)

Now that your mind is in “Spanish Mode”, we will slow things down so that you are better at comprehending the conversations that you are hearing. Here, you will be training your speaking skills, too!

To do this you will need to get a month-to-month Pimsleur Spanish Membership.

Try it free for 7 days then just pay $14.95 per month, you simply download their app on your smartphone, and you have one of the best-known tools available to build your Spanish listening and speaking proficiency.

Zero contracts. Cancel whenever you finish Fluency Hour or continue for as long as you wish!

Jacuzzi Immersion Assignment (10 minutes)

To finish up your Fluency Hour, I will assign you read and listen along with a story in Spanish, using a powerful (and totally free) app.

Your job here is simple: mimic the narrator and speakers, copying them and speaking outloud.

As you go, jot down new words and expressions in your notepad (smartphone app or paper).

I will teach you, step-by-step, how to take these new words, commit them to memory, and NEVER forget.

Step 4: Bonus Courses

As you know, Fluency Hour is a course designed around sending you daily emails that contain tips, wisdom, and assignments.

While this is a great way to build the necessary habits to learn Spanish and make some noticeable progress, I also include three bonus courses so that you have everything you need to continue moving towards fluency both during and after our course has ended.

Bonus Course #1 | How to Fluency: Become an Expert Language Learner

In this course, I teach you in detail how to more effectively learn Spanish.

For example, here I teach you exactly how to take new words and expressions that you add to a notepad and easily commit them to memory using a “spaced repetition system”.

Don’t know what this is? In this course, you will learn all about that and much, much more.

Bonus Course #2 | Spanish Fundamentals Mastery – Grammar

As you may have noticed, my methodology is very unlike what you typically expect out of a language course. I put immersion (listening and speaking) first and everything – including grammar – last.

Trust me, this is all done for a reason… as you will learn in the bonus course, How to Fluency.

In Spanish Fundamentals Mastery, I teach you essential grammar fundamentals that you must use to strengthen your base understanding. This is essential knowledge that will greatly sharpen the skills you develop in Fluency Hour’s daily email assignments.

Bonus Course #3 | Spanish Fundamentals Mastery: Pronunciation (Coming Soon!)

When you learn Spanish, it’s best to zero-in on ONE dialect/accent. This makes learning much less stressful and more streamlined.

In this bonus course, I offer Mexican Spanish accent training for you to do either as you’re going through the Fluency Hour program or upon finishing.

Are you ready to take the Fluency Hour challenge?

Still Not Convinced?

Here's Why You Need Fluency Hour...

But, Wait... Who is this Guy?

I'm Levi Flint - just your average American guy who grew speaking nothing but English at home. Growing up in Texas, I fell in love with Spanish and Mexico. I later went on to live in Latin America and receive a Master’s degree in Teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Around this time I started really branching out and gaining tons of experience learning other languages on my own. I've since learned French and Brazilian Portuguese using the same methodology, daily routine, and language learning tools I teach in Fluency Hour.

It's worked for me and I guarantee it'll work for you if you trust me and put in the work every day. Check out the video below to see how it's helped me on my adult language learning journey!

My Languages Skills in Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese

The Fluency Hour System Works!

Course Curriculum

  Keep Studying Spanish with Fluency Hour II and III
Available in days
days after you enroll

Is Fluency Hour Right for Me?

Fluency Hour is NOT Right For You If…

  • You think Spanish is “boring”.
  • You expect that this course is a “magic bullet” that will transform you into a fluent Spanish speaker… (Newsflash: you will have to dedicate at minimum one hour per day if you want to see real progress)
  • You’re not willing to dedicate an hour a day towards training your Spanish skills.
  • You’re not self-motivated and excited by the idea of being fluent in Spanish.
  • You just want to “do your own thing”.

Fluency Hour IS Right For You If…

  • You’re eager to train your Spanish skills on a daily basis for at least one hour.
  • You want daily accountability and support from an experienced teacher and language learner.
  • You know learning Spanish will improve your quality of life – better and safer foreign traveling, more friend-making opportunities, a larger dating pool, and increased job opportunities.
  • You understand learning a language takes time, focus, and daily consistency.
  • You understand there is no one, single, app, book, or trick to learn Spanish at a high level...

Instead, at Fluency Hour, we will intelligently use a combination of the best tools to get the most out of our time each day.

3-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Enroll in Fluency Hour and try it out for a few days. If, for whatever reason, you feel like it's not for you, send me an email, and I will refund your money. In addition, one of our core required training tools, Pimsleur Spanish, offers a test trial. This means, when you enroll in Fluency Hour there's literally nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course begin?
I begin a new cohort at the beginning of every month.
How long do I have access to the program?
Daily email lessons/assignments will go out for 28 days. Once complete, you will have lifetime access to the Bonus Course content.
How long does it take to become fluent in Spanish?
I discuss this topic in-depth within this program, but it's safe to say that for most people it can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on your training consistency, exposure to language, natural language learning aptitude, and many other factors.

Get started now!