Day #3 Telling Time: "La Hora"

Before Learning How to Tell the Time in Spanish...

In this lesson, we jump right into the skill of how to tell the time. If you have not yet learned numbers 1-100, I recommend you first study this video lesson: click here!

Afterwards, you will feel much more confident in developing the ability to rapidly tell the time in a variety of ways.

Spanish Grammar Foundations #3: Telling Time “La Hora”

To express the time, we use the verb "ser" (to be) and the preposition "a" (at).

Here's an example of how to say the time in Spanish:

  • Son las tres de la tarde. (It's 3:00 PM)

As you can see, we use "son" (are) to express the plural form of "it is," followed by "las" (the) and the number of hours. Then we add "de la tarde" (in the afternoon) to indicate the time of day.

Let's take a look at some other examples:

  • Es la una de la mañana. (It's 1:00 AM)
  • Son las seis y media de la tarde. (It's 6:30 PM)
  • Son las once y cuarto de la noche. (It's 11:15 PM)

Notice that when we want to express a time that is after the hour, we use the word "y" (and) to connect the hour and the minutes.

Also, when it's a quarter past the hour, we use the word "cuarto" (quarter) and when it's a half past the hour, we use the word "media" (half).

To help you practice, I made a video that goes over telling time in Spanish. Please watch the video and take notes on any new information you learn.

Watch it here!

As always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)




Subject: Spanish Grammar Foundations #4: Possessive Adjectives

Hola compadres,

Today, we will be discussing possessive adjectives. Possessive adjectives are used to indicate who owns or possesses something in a sentence.

Before diving into our mini-grammar lesson, here’s today’s Fluency Hour assignment!

Daily Grammar Lesson (10-15 minutes)

Daily Listening (10-20 minutes) - Mexican Fluency Podcast

Pimsleur Lesson (25-30 minutes)

If you have downtime today, seriously ANY downtime (even if it’s when you’re sitting on the toilet, haha, open up your phone and do some) Duolingo Practice or Anki Vocabulary Review.

Complete and Continue  