Evening Session

Evening Session:

Basic /r/ Drills:

Objective: Practice the /r/ sound in basic words to solidify your understanding of how to pronounce the single-flap /r/. Focus on clear articulation of the /r/ in each word.


Say each word out loud, starting slowly to ensure accuracy. Once comfortable, gradually increase your speed while maintaining precision.

Repeat the following words:

  • caro (expensive)
  • pero (but)
  • para (for)
  • mira (look)
  • toro (bull)

Recording Submission:

Objective: Record yourself pronouncing each practice word from the morning session.


Find a quiet space to record yourself saying the words.

    1. Start slowly, focusing on the precision of the /r/ sound.
    2. As you become more comfortable, increase the speed slightly while maintaining clarity.
    3. Submit your recording for feedback. Before submission, listen to your recording at least once over and self-evaluate.

Today's Audio Submission

Record Yourself Doing the Following Activity. Use Vocaroo to record yourself; once finished, copy the link and paste it into the comments section below!

Click Here >>> https://vocaroo.com

Summary of Day 1:

  • Goal: To understand and practice the difference between the single-flap /r/ and trilled /rr/ sounds.
  • Morning Focus: Learn and observe tongue placement and movement for both sounds.
  • Evening Focus: Practice basic /r/ sounds in simple words, submit recordings for feedback.

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