How to Best Use This Course?

How to Get the Most Out of This Course

  • Watch, Listen, and Practice: Each day includes videos, audios, and lessons designed to guide your practice. Be sure to engage with all materials to get the full benefit of the course.

  • Practice Out Loud: Speaking out loud is crucial! As you go through the lessons, make sure to repeat the sounds and sentences out loud, both during the sessions and on your own.

  • Daily Consistency: This bootcamp is designed to be completed in 7 days. Don’t skip any sessions or days, as each one builds on the previous one to help you achieve mastery.

  • Repeat the Course if Needed: If you reach the end of the course and feel your /r/ pronunciation isn’t where you want it to be, don’t worry—just repeat the course! Mastery comes through consistent practice.


As the saying goes, "Perfect practice makes perfect." By following this course, you’ll be on your way to mastering the /r/ and /rr/ sounds, building confidence, and speaking Spanish more fluently.

Let’s get started—¡Vamos a empezar!

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